
How to Track Your Restaurant Marketing Strategy

Restaurant marketing will help attract new guests and improve your bottom line, but do you know how to measure those results strategically? We’ll show you!
Amanda Hamel

Marketing is an important part of any restaurant's strategy. It helps you get the word out about your brand and shows people that other people like them enjoy eating at your restaurant. But how do you figure out what type of marketing content your audience likes? You need to know what target audience you want to reach with your marketing efforts and how often those audiences visit restaurants like yours. In this blog, we'll cover everything from identifying your goals as a restaurant to creating a budget for yourself so that you can start tracking all of these things down!

Identify your goals.

Before you start creating your restaurant marketing strategy, it's important to identify your goals. This will help determine the type of campaigns that are most likely to achieve them. For example, if you want more customers in the lunchtime rush and want them to order entrees instead of appetizers or desserts, one campaign might work better than another.

One common mistake people make when creating an effective restaurant marketing strategy is not having a plan of action before starting their business. If this is done, it becomes difficult for them because they don't know what steps they need to take next when things get tough or challenging at work.

Know your audience.

First and foremost, you need to know your audience. This can be difficult because it's hard to know what they want when they don't even know what they want. The best way of finding out how people feel about the services and products that restaurants offer is through surveys or focus groups. You may also want to consider hiring a market research firm if you're not comfortable with this option yourself; just make sure that whoever is conducting these studies is reputable and experienced in conducting them in your industry (this will ensure their findings are accurate).

Once you've determined who your target market is and what kind of messaging will resonate with them best (and avoid annoying them), then start creating content for each demographic! 

Ask yourself the following questions. Who is going to buy from you? How large do they live? Where do they shop most often (i.e., grocery store chains)? How much money do they make per year; does this match up with what kind of product you’re selling? The answers to these questions will help guide any decisions about what type of marketing strategies should be used for each goal—whether it’s increasing brand awareness around town or attracting new guests online through social media posts and ads on platforms like Facebook!

Set a budget.

You’ve got a great idea for the next big restaurant marketing campaign. You know your target audience and all the benefits of this campaign, but how do you decide on a budget?

A budget is an estimate of what it will cost to run each part of your restaurant marketing program. It includes expenses like advertising, customer service, product training, and more—everything that goes into running your restaurant business successfully!

When deciding on your restaurant marketing budget remember it’s okay to start small. It’s better to test out a few different types of marketing campaigns when you’re starting to see what resonates best with your audience. Take advantage of the free marketing tools as well such as social media, and word-of-mouth! These may not seem too effective but they can go a long way.

Create a detailed plan of action.

Before you begin, it's important to have a clear idea of what the problem is and how you plan on solving it. This will help you focus on the right steps and make sure your goals are realistic.

So what does this mean? It means defining the problem before starting on a solution—and then setting some goals! It's okay if other people have different ideas about what their goals should be; as long as they're ambitious and realistic, everything should work out fine in the end. Instead of trying something new without knowing whether or not it makes sense for YOU... make sure first that whatever changes happen will improve YOUR bottom line!

Monitor your online presence.

You should monitor your online presence and current restaurant marketing efforts to see what works and what needs some improvements. There are many ways to do this, and there's no one-size-fits-all approach. Here are a few:

Use social media for promotion: If you don’t already have a social media account for your restaurant, then you may want to create one! This is especially important because social media is where most people learn about new restaurants—and if they don't see anything from you, they'll never know what your food tastes like!

Build a website: Many people use websites as their primary source of information about the local scene in general (and specifically where they live), so having one that highlights all aspects of running your restaurant can only help promote awareness about your exciting guest experience and delicious food!

Create blogs: Blogs are another great way for business owners to reach out directly to communities across multiple platforms simultaneously without having individual pages set up every time someone wants something posted online. This can be an easy way to take your restaurant marketing to the next level.

Use analytics to improve your strategy.

Analytics is the best way to understand your customers. The data analytics software helps you understand what they like, how much they spend on average, and how they respond to different restaurant marketing efforts. You can also track customer interactions with your website or social media pages so that you know which parts of the experience are most engaging for them.

Analytics lets you see how other businesses in your industry do business. It allows you to compare yourself against competitors' results and identify any performance gaps that need addressing quickly so as not to lose ground or lose revenue altogether.

We’ve covered the basics of tracking your marketing strategy, from where to get data to how to analyze it. But there are many other ways you can use analytics as part of your restaurant marketing. We encourage you to think creatively about how analytics can fit into your business model by looking at what works best for each customer segment and using analytics creatively that make sense for your brand.