Change the restaurant loyalty paradigm

Create personalized loyalty programs that turn first-time visitors into lifetime fans. Understand your revenue sources and enhance customer experiences with data-driven insights.

Create an experience that makes your guests feel recognized

Incentivio's guest journey dashboard with restaurant guest data and segmentation.

Understand Where Your Revenue Comes From

Strangers or first-time visitors make up most of any restaurant's customer base— however, the customer acquisition cost for strangers is exceptionally high. You compete with every other restaurant and only have your reputation to put you above the rest, on top of that, the bulk of your customers will likely only visit your restaurant once.

Keep Your Guests Coming Back

Industry research has shown that, on average, 75% of guests don't return after 1-2 visits. Three out of every four people enter your restaurant and never come back. By improving the guest journey, you can lower that number and increase the lifetime value of your customers. Our data has shown that return visitors are easier to reach with marketing efforts while having 3-4x the spend of normal customers.
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Improving the guest journey and saying goodbye to one-size-fits-all loyalty

Unlock the full potential of your restaurant's loyalty program. Our platform revolutionizes the way you engage with customers by providing personalized experiences that keep them coming back.

Revolutionizing Restaurant Loyalty and Personalization

Restaurant owners and operators gain a deeper understanding of how their guests navigate through different stages of the digital dining experience, which is important for building the most effective brand loyalty.

From first-time visitors to devoted enthusiasts, every guest's journey is personalized, allowing you to tailor loyalty offers and messages to their specific preferences and behaviors. Whether they're casuals, loyalists, or die-hard fanatics, each guest receives offers and messages tailored to their unique journey. Want to send a loyalty offer to regulars? You can. Want to send a mega offer just to your super fans? You can!

Incentivio's restaurant marketing suite with targeted restaurant offers.

Building a Better Customer Experience

People and restaurants are similar—each has a unique appeal and secret recipe for success. Imagine having a loyalty program that's as unique as each of your guests–a program that adapts and evolves alongside them. A loyalty program with a level of customization that allows you to tailor it to what your guests want and need. That's exactly what Incentivio's Guest Journey Dashboard offers.

Powered by a cutting-edge machine learning algorithm, this product automatically segments your restaurant guests based on their frequency of visits and spending habits. Gone are the days of one-size-fits-all loyalty programs

Menu Intelligence using ai for restaurants, powered by Incentivio.

Bringing Back Lost Customers

The most proprietary functionality is churn management. Want to target guests who are on their way out but still have an account? Send them an offer. You can automatically view segments of guests who have already churned vs. guests who are on their way to churning. 

Rather than a spray and prey marketing campaign that groups all users who haven't ordered in 60 or 100 days into a bucket, let the algorithm do the work for you and only target guests who are both at risk and who are also still able to be saved before they leave for good.

Churn management to a automatically increase restaurant guest retention with Incentivio.
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