Limit churn with machine learning for restaurants

The average restaurant loses 30-40% of its best customers every year. Win them back with a tool that's 4-10x more effective at preventing customer churn.

Predict and prevent churn before it happens

Incentivio's proprietary churn management product to retain guests for restaurants.

Identify Your Outliers

Efficient churn management is vital for restaurant success. Our location-based analysis helps you identify guest retention trends, revealing regions experiencing higher churn rates than others. By pinpointing underperforming areas, you can focus your efforts and resources where they matter most, implementing targeted marketing strategies for more effective results.

Get a Pulse On Trends That Matter

Focus on at-risk guests to stay ahead of restaurant churn. Our Churn Management feature has an impressive 97% accuracy rate in identifying these customers. Leveraging this precise data, you can automate personalized offers that increase customer retention by 4-10x, streamlining the process and delivering tailored experiences to your customers.

Target At-Risk Guests

Location-based performance analysis forms the bedrock of effective churn management. Understanding how your locations perform with different guest segments can provide deep insights into your operations.
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Don't let your best customers slip away– turn the tables on churn

On average, repeat business accounts for 25% of a restaurant's revenue. Increase that percentage at your restaurant by increasing guest retention.

Optimize Operations by Location

Is your restaurant's guest retention declining in specific locations? Are some regions experiencing a higher level of churn than others?

These are questions that require accurate answers to implement effective solutions. Proactively retain your valued customers with our artificial intelligence algorithm for restaurants that identifies at-risk guests and automates targeted offers, ensuring you maintain a strong connection with your valued guests.

Churn management for restaurants by location powered by Incentivio.

Retain Guests Before They Leave

Guests who join your loyalty program become part of your guest journey. During that journey, you track how frequently they purchase, average basket value, and more! With Incentivio you can use those insights to craft the best rewards to bring your customers back.

Set and Forget Campaigns

Imagine a world where your marketing campaigns run themselves, targeting the right guests at precisely the right moments—all without you lifting a finger. With our cutting-edge Set and Forget Marketing Campaigns, this isn't just a dream; it's your new reality.

Whether it's enticing a foodie to try your latest seasonal dish, reminding a regular about their favorite special, or attracting new visitors with a personalized offer, our platform ensures your message hits the mark every time.

Set it and forget it restaurant marketing campaigns powered by Incentivio restaurant engagement software.
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