
Increase Your Restaurant's Website Traffic With These Tips

Want to attract more guests through your restaurant’s website? Follow these tips to increase traffic and enhance your brand!
Amanda Hamel

If you're a restaurant owner, you know that online traffic is crucial. You need to get people to your site so they can find out more about what you do and how they can order! But if you don't have a website, getting customers to come in-store isn't easy. That's why we've compiled this list of tips for making sure your restaurant's website gets noticed by potential customers!

Create an SEO-friendly menu.

When it comes to SEO, the menu is the most important page on your website. It's where you'll be able to get all of those important keywords in one place and increase your visibility online. Here are some tips for creating an SEO-friendly menu and website:

  • Use keywords in your menus. Whether you're selling a certain type of food or having a special offer that only works with certain types of items on the menu (like free appetizers if they're serving pizza or sandwiches), adding relevant descriptions can help customers find exactly what they're looking for when searching online.
  • Use keywords in prices and descriptions as well as photos and reviews posted by users after visiting your location. This way if someone sees something interesting on their social media feed about an upcoming event happening at another restaurant nearby theirs, they'll know exactly where it takes place so there won't be any confusion about where they should go eat tonight!

Create a menu that's easy to read and search.

The first step to improving your website's traffic is making sure that you have a clear and easy-to-read menu. You don't have to go overboard with details, but the information on your site must be concise and easy to find.

To make sure that your menu reads clearly, use a clear font (like Arial), short paragraphs (no more than three sentences), bullet points instead of long paragraphs if possible, subheadings within each section instead of having one big list of items across the top with no hierarchy or structure in sight. Also, consider using headings throughout each section so readers can easily determine what they're looking at without having to scroll down every time they want more information about an item on their plate!

Have a clear contact phone number and email address on your website.

As a restaurant owner, it is crucial to have a clear and easily accessible contact phone number and email address on your website. Customers want to be able to quickly and easily reach out to you with questions, concerns, or to make reservations. By providing clear contact information, you are showing your customers that you are transparent and willing to engage with them. This can help build trust and loyalty, as well as increase the likelihood of customers returning. Additionally, having a clear contact phone number and email address can help prevent misunderstandings and mistakes, such as incorrect orders or missed reservations.

Use mobile-friendly pages.

Mobile-friendly pages are designed to be viewed on mobile devices, and they’re also designed to work well on desktop computers. They make it easier for people to find what they want on your restaurant’s website. Mobile-friendly pages also make it easy for people who use tablets and smartphones to browse through their content easily. This can increase traffic from these devices by as much as 99%! Plus, you can offer online ordering through your website to help drive digital sales.

Make it easy for people to find what they're looking for. This can be as simple as providing a clear navigation menu or making sure that your contact information is prominently displayed on every page of the site. It's also a good idea to add search functionality so customers can find specific information quickly and easily.

Along with that, ensure all pages load quickly so visitors don't get frustrated waiting around while pages load in the background. It's okay if some pages take longer than others—that's just part of online life! But if one page takes forever before loading, maybe there's something wrong with its architecture (or maybe it needs updating). Either way, fixing this issue will improve overall user experience across all parts of your website rather than just one specific area alone.

Write great, compelling copy.

Writing compelling copy with keywords is essential to getting your restaurant website seen by the right people. You want customers to be able to quickly understand what you do and why it's essential, so you need to make sure that your content is easy for them to read and understand.

When writing engaging copy use short sentences, which will make it easier for people on mobile phones or tablets (who may not have access to their computers) to read through all of your text at once. Learn to write in an active voice rather than a passive voice—this means that instead of saying "the customer was served," say "the customer was served by our friendly staff." Active voice makes a more personal connection with readers because they can visualize themselves being spoken about in this way. Try using conversational tones instead of formal ones; informal speech makes everything sound more personal and interesting!

Add social media links on each page of your website.

Social media links are another great way to get more traffic. They can help you build your brand and reputation, as well as build a customer base and email list. Social media sites like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are all places where people go to find out about new products or services in the market. These sites have millions of users who visit them every day so it's easy for you to get more clicks on your website by adding a few social media buttons on each page of your website! If you want to go the extra mile you can even promote your website on your social media pages.

Have a great site design. It will help customers find you!

A well-designed website is critical for attracting customers and increasing your business. It's also important for SEO, which is one of the most important factors in increasing the visibility and traffic to your restaurant's website.

To make sure that your site is easy to use and navigate, use clear navigation buttons (e.g., "menu" or "contact us") so people know what they're looking at. Don't put too many links on top of each other—people will get confused! Try putting all of them on one page instead so it's easier for them to find what they need quickly without having too much going on at once. 

When designing your restaurant’s website keep in mind your brand colors, values, and vibe. What feeling do you want your guests to experience when they use your website? Is it consistent with the experience they receive while dining in? Staying consistent and on-brand will allow your guests to build a strong relationship with your business.

You can't just do anything to increase your restaurant's website traffic. You need to do things that will make you stand out from the crowd and get people interested in your business. We hope you enjoyed the tips for increasing your website traffic and making it more visible online!